Pension plan
December 10

What are you up to Premier Smith? Even the editorial board of the New York Times is curious about what’s going on in little old Alberta.

Several direct quotes from the New York Times last week…“Without any advance notice, the government of Alberta last week fired all 10 directors on the board of its pension fund, Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo), along with its chief executive and three of his most senior employees. Then, this week, it announced that Stephen Harper, the former Conservative prime minister, would serve as the fund’s chairman.”

“In my history of being in this space, it’s unique,” Keith Ambachtsheer, emeritus director of the Toronto-based International Centre for Pension Management, described the purge as “Soviet style and the change at AIMCo, which manages $161 billion Canadian, shook the pension world.”

He stated, “It’s a departure certainly in the eyes of not just Canada, but the world. The Canadian pension model has become the global standard for how you should think about these things and now we have a government that is kind of stepping outside those rules.

“The Canadian pension model is based on the principle that funds should be managed independently of both governments and unions and free of political interference. It calls for independent boards whose members are experienced in investments and finance. ”

Ambachtsheer also believes the report commissioned by Alberta is “fundamentally flawed, further undermining the province’s case for pension separation and estimates the actual amount to be 15 per cent, not 50 per cent.”

Are these latest small, but incremental, steps part of Premier Smith’s unstated plan to move Albertans from the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) to an Alberta Pension Plan (APP) under the control of the provincial government?

AIMCo’s chequered history continues; in recent years, they posted a loss of $4 billion as they continually fall short of their investment goals plus their investments under perform when compared to the annualized return on investment (ROI) of the CPP.

PMs Chretien and Martin posted surplus budgets from 1997 thru 2006 followed by PM Harper who posted eight deficit budgets during the next 10 years that added more than $150 billion to our national debt.

I’m so old, it won’t affect my pension but…given Mr. Harper’s poor financial track record…what could possibly go wrong (for the sake of our children and grandchildren)?

Peter Lougheed and Lou Hyndman must be turning over in their graves.

Lynn Clark,
Huge Success
December 10

 Thank you. Operation Christmas Child was a huge success in Camrose and area again this year, with more than 1,600 shoeboxes sent. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible. There’s still time to fill shoeboxes online at

Glenda Strauss,
and the OCC Team
Student funding
December 10

Alberta currently has the lowest per-student funding in Canada. This is not just an alarming statistic but a clear indication of the challenges our children, educators and future workforce face under the current system. The recent budget decisions by this government, including those that have led to significant cuts within our school system, such as the reduction of educational assistants, are deeply troubling. These cuts have placed additional strain on teachers and students alike, making it harder for children, especially those with unique needs, to receive the quality education they deserve. I fear that if we continue down this path, we are moving toward an outcome similar to the one seen in the United States, where the average overall reading level hovers around Grades 7 and 8. This lack of foundational literacy has undoubtedly contributed to a cycle of low-income employment and limited upward mobility for many.

These challenges raise a fundamental question: does this government truly value education as the cornerstone of our province’s success? It is hard to feel optimistic when our priorities seem misaligned with the future we want for Alberta.

Lisa Trach,
Seniors for Climate
November 26

Last summer there was a petition circulating in Camrose that urged the federal government to accelerate action to reduce carbon emissions. That petition was one of many similar projects across Canada being supported by Seniors for Climate. You may be interested to know that Seniors for Climate are working on plans for 2025.

In 2008, former prime minister Stephen Harper said that climate change was a threat to humanity and he said that Canada needs a price on carbon. Economists agree that a carbon tax is the least expensive and least disruptive of all the ways that we can reduce carbon pollution. The most expensive thing we can do is to do nothing. Doing nothing just means that costs will balloon and we can’t do that to our children.

Some people falsely believe that we still need oil and gas for jobs and our economy. Simply not true. Clean energy is more labour intensive. Researchers at Stanford University have calculated that transitioning the world to 100 per cent clean energy creates about 28.4 million more long term, full time jobs than lost.

The International Energy Agency has concluded that solar and wind, even with storage included, are now the cheapest sources of energy that we have ever had. Access to jobs and inexpensive energy will boost the global economy. Health Canada says that air pollution, mostly from the burning of fossil fuels, costs Canada’s health care system $120 billion each year plus 15,000 premature deaths. If we want health and prosperity for our children, we need to be transitioning to clean energy as quickly as possible.

Beata Caranci, chief economist at TD Bank Group said, “If we act now, we can accelerate the transition of our economy, as well as our investments in clean technologies and the re-skilling of the oil and gas sector’s workforce to create a vibrant future where the environment and the Canadian economy can thrive together.” We must act now.  Continued inaction is a terrible burden to leave for our children.

Seniors for Climate want a healthy and prosperous future for our children. Although it is organized by Canadian seniors, people of all ages are welcome to join. Perhaps you could visit the Seniors for Climate website. You could contribute to the planning process. I think you would be impressed by the knowledgeable and caring people who are already involved.

Rob Hill,
Climate change
November 19, 2024

It starts with righteousness, the quality of being morally right or justifiable. Canada was going to be the poster child for reducing climate change. We were going to be leaders on the world stage. To our naive federal leaders that was very noble. However righteousness (“I’m right, you should do what I say”) leads to the next step, which is arrogance, the sense of superiority and scorn. Canada would achieve its climate goals by simply eliminating anything that emits CO2 regardless of the consequences. Let’s just shut down the fossil fuel industries so we’ll appoint a federal minister who will be obsessed with doing that.

To the righteous and naive, that seems very reasonable, but it ignores the fact that people have to heat their homes, drive for work and have the lights on. So now comes the next step and that is everyone gets angry. The federal leaders are angry because people are stupid and won’t listen and the people are angry because the government’s obsession hurts. So with anger on all sides comes the last stage and that is hate. Hate is dividing Canada, causing us to look at the wrong things, and preventing us from doing something reasonable.

So what can Canada do? Many years ago, I took military leadership training and the definition of leadership was “the art of influencing others to achieve the aim.” That is not what our federal government is doing. Today there is no art (skill), there is heavy-handedness and the aim is economic hardship without visible benefit to the individual. Canada can’t stop global climate change, all we can do is our share with everyone else. Our leaders must show understanding and empathy for the lower and middle classes (the voters) and offer alternatives that improve their lives. Righteousness needs to be stamped out and replaced with humility and compassion.

In the US they have just turned to an autocrat, they’ve given Trump power. With Trump, people must simply obey, but they don’t need to feel guilty for what’s happening. Trump tells them others, not Americans, are to blame. Canada is too fragmented for that to happen, so the bickering and fighting between the federal and provincial governments will maintain a downward slide. Trump won by blaming others and Trudeau will probably lose because he blames us.

Tony Hladun,
Recorded voting
November 12, 2024

I must admit I never saw this coming. I write a letter to the editor on recording votes in council meetings and Brian Nelson responds by suggesting that I am a facilitator of harm to women, and a threat to democracy (The Camrose Booster November 5). Wow.

The facts–three persons commented (for not recording votes) on the motion at council–Banack, Hoveland and Murphy–and these three were included in my commentary. The odious implication of Mr. Nelson that I targeted the ladies is wrong and defamatory. Do your research.

Nelson refers to commentary by Tyler Gandam from Wetaskiwin to support his comments that somehow my desire for recorded votes has an impact on bullying of council members. Some correcting first. Gandam’s actual comments was that “he’s been a target of at least a hundred incidents in recent years.” Nelson reports this as threats in the last year and includes his family, which Gandam’s comments do not. Big difference.

The CTV article from which Gandam’s comments were sourced notes that social media appears to be the largest culprit of negative feedback. This is a universal problem related to social media. If politicians are posing their thoughts on social media, they certainly should be open to a variety of responses.

The City of Wetaskiwin is one of the few cities that, like Camrose, does not have recorded votes. Nelson’s use Gandam and Wetaskiwin to present a case is flawed.

Mr. Nelson’s comment of fewer people standing for public office certainly does not apply to Camrose, where there were 19 persons running for a council of eight members in our last Camrose election. No shortage here. Councillors are paid for their service.

As with the comments I heard at council, I find nothing in the comments from Mr. Nelson that would suggest that accountability of council with recorded voting should not be reinstated.

David W. Kotyk,
November 12, 2024

This summer I was going past the golf course on 66th/68th Street southbound when I looked in my rear view and saw a guy right behind me...close enough all I saw were his shoulders and head. And no helmet. So imagine my surprise, considering I admittedly was speeding at 65 kilometres per hour.

Today I saw a scooter going past the Camrose Booster office on 48th going south...and in front of me an e-scooter going at least 50 km/h, but when he got to the corner of 48th and 48th, hopped on the sidewalk westbound because that obviously was more convenient for him.

He then rode the sidewalk until Scotiabank and jetted back onto the roadway and at Co-op, jumped into the freeflow lane to blow past all the vehicles on the road.

Personal e-scooters, as per Alberta Transportation, are not allowed on public roadways unless there are exceptions made through municipalities applying to Alberta transportation for the purpose of these shared e-scooter programs only.  And these scooters are limited to 20 km/h.

This does not include personal e-scooters.
Personal e-scooters have no registration, no licence and no insurance and are not speed governed.  Who is responsible for what in the case of a collision?  Who is liable for injuries? Who is culpable for failure to adhere to the laws of the road? I called the Camrose Police Service and they didn’t seem to know.

I think motorists have a right to know as well as those who may be unaware (giving the benefit of the doubt here) they are breaking the law and putting themselves and motorists potentially in a very difficult situation should something happen.

Jesse Luckhardt,
Recorded votes
November 5, 2024

Regarding the letter named Recorded votes in the October 22nd Camrose Booster, I found it interesting that Mr. Kotyk felt that recording the name of each councillor and how they vote on all motions at City council meetings in Camrose be done for accountability reasons. He is assuming that this would have value for all voters. I thought we already held them accountable at each election.
I do not have the time or the inclination to go through all the records of my municipal representatives votes to decide how I will vote four years from now. I pick people that I trust and respect, to spend the time researching and discussing the huge number of issues and hopefully choosing wisely.

Municipal councillors can already arrange to have the decision completely documented any time that one (or more) councillors thinks there is value in it (Municipal Governance Act section 186).

I did a bit of research on the rise of abuse and threats being received by our elected officials nowadays. In a CTV interview (June 20) with Tyler Gandam, mayor of Wetaskiwin and president of the Alberta Municipalities Association. He reported he received over 100 threats to himself and his family in the last year.

Female politicians receive a larger number than men and the threats are often more severe and of a more personal nature.  This is not holding politicians accountable, it is committing a crime. It is interesting to note that two of the three City councillors named in the letter to the editor are women. No wonder they feel the way they do.
I believe a far greater threat to democracy is fewer civic minded people are standing for public office. Who can blame them?

Brian L. Nelson,
Fantastic brain
November 5, 2024

Stupidity is learned and not innate. We as human beings, have evolved a fantastic brain. All human beings have this brain, but not everyone is equally endowed. The brain is the largest user of energy in our body.

Therefore thinking is divided into two categories, called thinking fast and thinking slow. Thinking slow uses much less energy than when using your brain to solve complex problems.

As humans, we have developed systems to save energy, by developing habits, jumping to conclusions, or following the thinking of others rather than thinking for ourselves in any deep way. In order to see the truth about the reality we live in, we must think in complex ways and we must learn techniques to help us find out what the nature of this reality is.

This is hard and requires an extensive education, usually lifelong learning. This also requires us to have lifelong curiosity. Unfortunately, our education system has a tendency to destroy curiosity and like most humans we are somewhat lazy. Therefore rather than study hard at school we take easy courses or quit school early and don’t get educated to the level needed to find out the truth about our reality. We must rely on those who are highly educated to lead us to whatever truth is out there.

Our human society has done brilliant things but won’t if we destroy our civilization.

We have let the vast majority of human beings opt out by default, choosing to let others think for them. In other words, they have chosen stupidity over the effort to learn how to think critically, relying on others to think for them or telling them how to think. Democracy will not work, when the majority of people have imposed upon themselves stupidity. Unfortunately, democracy requires an educated critical thinking public.

Those who think a fascist government will act in their benefit have no concept of the historical situation, which shows exactly the opposite. Democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others. We have been trying out this experiment for thousands of years. We know a lot of the answers to our problems, but our problems are complex, and the solutions are often more complex than that. As bad as democracy is, it’s the only hope that any of us have to control the greed of our sociopathic elites who will do anything to gain power. If you give up your democracy now, you will have a great deal of difficulty ever recovering it back. Learn to think please.

Harry Gaede,
Accountable councillors
October 29, 2024

Kudos to David W. Kotyk for his open letter to Just Sayin’ that outlined the shenanigans, by some councillors, at the June 10 meeting of Camrose City council who passed a motion that did not pass the smell test.

According to Mr. Kotyk, the May 27 meeting passed a motion, unanimously, to record in the minutes votes by each council member on all resolutions. A wonderful decision in the best interests for transparency and accountability in these times where it is becoming increasingly difficult to believe our elected representatives at all levels of government truly represent their constituents.

So what happened between May 27 and June 10?
One councillor became worried about divisiveness, while another became worried about weaponization (whatever that means) and a third does not want to be challenged in the street for accountability (or lack thereof)? Have they been watching too much news/entertainment?

Clarity is becoming increasingly important, and timely, as our premier is suggesting candidates for municipal governments should be aligned with political parties; a rather dictatorial notion that would truly be “divisive” using the words of one councillor.

Perhaps the premier’s (probably Preston Manning’s?) suggestion has been a driving force for the change of mind.

It is axiomatic that our elected representatives at all levels of government should be transparent and accountable…all votes should be recorded as “for” or “against” on all motions.

Thank goodness for the common sense shown by councillors Lana Broker, David Francoeur and Don Rosland who maintained that votes should be recorded.

Perhaps the five councillors who changed their minds between May 27 and June 10 have had sufficient time to reflect upon the error of their ways; change their minds once again and rescind the odious motion of June 10 or reinstate the motion of May 27.

Camrose City council,  what say you?

Lynn Clark,
Volunteer drivers
October 29, 2024

As a volunteer driver with the transportation program under the auspices of Neighbor Aid, I am surprised that FCSS is planning to offer a duplicate service.

For many years, Neighbor Aid has offered free rides to those with medical appointments outside of Camrose, and also provides a daily shuttle to Wetaskiwin for dialysis patients. With the increased demand for the service, some requests cannot be met, but this is only because there are few drivers who are willing and able to navigate the roads, especially in Edmonton, to find the many different locations folks need to access.

In the winter, the number of drivers decreases as fewer are willing to risk uncertain driving conditions, although winter safety kits are provided.
I cannot comprehend how the time and effort to set up a second service is going to generate more drivers.

The existing service is well administered with an established process for reimbursing drivers for fuel costs through a long-standing arrangement with Wild Rose Co-op.

The many years this program has operated has resulted in an excellent rapport between riders and drivers producing a high level of trust and comfort. I would urge the community to continue to support this important outreach program of Neighbor Aid.

Brian Hunter,
Recorded votes
October 22, 2024

I attended a council meeting on May 27, when council unanimously approved a motion to record, in the minutes, votes by each council member on all resolutions. This was a major change from the existing system where the minutes only recorded “carried” or “defeated”.

The good feeling that accountability and transparency would be back at council was, however, short lived.

At the June 10 meeting, a motion was made by Lucas Banack and seconded by Joy-Ann Murphy that council override the prior motion and direct that the bylaw revert to recorded votes only upon request, as had been done in the past (the option of requesting a recorded vote almost never occurs). This reversion was passed five to three with councillors Banack, Agnes Hoveland, Kevin Hycha, Murphy and DJ Ilg changing their minds from just the previous meeting. Councillors Lana Broker, David Francoeur and Don Rosland maintained that votes should be recorded.

I viewed the video of this meeting of council and found the discussion very unconvincing. Hoveland led the charge with her view that recording of votes could be divisive. Banack did Hoveland one better and said that recorded votes could both be divisive and lead to weaponization. Murphy was perhaps the most honest, and least democratic, in noting that she did not want anyone to meet her on the street and challenge how she voted.

I found the views presented above as self-serving, reflecting a desire to minimize an individual councillor’s accountability to ratepayers.

My vote in the next election is significantly impacted by the actions of each council member. Unfortunately, I cannot garner this information by reading meetings, but must go back to all the recordings of council meetings to view the voting.
How each councillor votes is significant in assessing what each elected official supports and what they do not support. There are five persons whom I will likely not be voting for.

Accountability by our elected representatives is essential and I urge council to institute recorded voting as a key measure in accountability and transparency to the residents. Camrose City Council minutes do not even record when opposing votes are cast. Just carried.

Carried, carried. If asked, it was council who made the decision and not the individual councillors.

David W. Kotyk,
Hair today
October 22, 2024

Do you ever wonder what goes on behind restaurant’s kitchen doors?

I know one thing for sure; whoever is preparing the food probably isn’t wearing a hair net, which costs about $10.

Tonight, as my family and I were enjoying some takeout food in Camrose, I pulled a very long hair from my mouth. Am I the only one who would find this disgusting?

Just a few weeks ago, we had indulged in take-out pizza from a place just down the highway. A long black hair was sticking out of a slice that I had just bitten into. That’s now two more restaurants on my list of “Don’t Go Back There”.

The worst place, in another city, actually served a hair ball hidden in my meal. Am I just picky about hair where it shouldn’t be? I suppose I could just floss my teeth with any one that’s long enough.

Leonard Matte,
Property taxes
October 15, 2024

The Council committee of the whole meeting of July 22 received a report from administration which requested the following direction from council, which council acceded to.

To prepare operating and capital budgets for 2025 and 2026 on the basis of a maximum six per cent increase in property taxes.

To increase franchise fees for electricity and natural gas by one per cent and five per cent, respectfully, raising the rates to 18 per cent and 32 per cent (this “fee” is “hidden” City taxes billed to and collected from the property owners by the electricity and gas provider and remitted to the City).

Subsequently, at the September 23 meeting administration received their requested direction that user fees be increased by five per cent in 2025 and another five per cent in 2026. It was noted, at the meeting, that there has been a five per cent rate increase in probably each of the last three or four years, so this would make it four or five years in a row.

Please understand that there is not any formal voting on matters at Committee of the Whole, just a nod and a wink. If there is not anyone that is willing to oppose the administrations direction requests, the operating mantra of this council is to not create any controversy, so approval is nearly automatic.

Payroll is more than half the operating costs of the City. The union contract expires on Dec 31. Council has not received any information on the status of negotiations. Any increases provided to the unionized personnel are almost automatically reflected in a similar increase to all non-union personnel.

The negotiating committee for the City consists of the GM infrastructure, GM corporate services and the HR manager. In other words, the employee contracts are being negotiated for by the employees. There are no City councillors involved and no member from the major shareholders, the Camrose residents.

Administration requested direction to budget six per cent increases in property taxes prior to the negotiating committee, made up of city employees, finalizing a contract.

For the sake of adding some definition, the inflation rate is now down at two per cent (not six per cent as is the tax increase proposed) and there is a real possibility of a coming recession–a reduction in the CPI.

What do you say to your councillor–I would say prepare the budget based on a two per cent rise in property taxes.

David W. Kotyk,
Smoke alarms
October 15, 2024

I was really impressed with Adan Shaikh’s article about Smoke Alarms on October 1.

Finally, someone is reporting the importance of having the two types of smoke detectors along with the CO detector. The fire and life educator Jeff Knopf outlines things right, but I wonder if most readers picked up on the subtle recommendation of having all three detectors installed in their homes.

I am writing to you because I think there’s room to push the subject further.

How many times have we heard that a house/condo/apartment was on fire and the occupants reported the smoke detectors did not sound? We read about it and roll our eyes with our first thought being “the batteries in the detector probably had never been changed” or “the detector was probably expired and no one checked”! What if the real reason was that the detector was the wrong kind to detect the type of smoke and therefore didn’t sound? This is a fact that is always left out of the reporting and therefore people assume then forget.

I was one of those who thought that way until 2012 when there was a fire at my brother’s brand new house. We were very fortunate that no one was injured. The detectors were never heard, never sounded.

Following the incident, my brother conducted his investigation as to why brand-new detectors did not wake them up (because of course it happened during the night). We started reading the fine print on manufacturers’ boxes and realized they all suggest installing both types. My brother contacted the manufacturers. He asked them why they did not make an all-3-in-one unit (ionization, photoelectric and CO). They obviously are aware of the issue, but responded it was up to “marketing” (basically the demand from consumers) to request that. But if the consumer is not aware to demand it, how is it going to change?

My brother also tried to get the building code changed to mandate the installation of all three types. It didn’t work so far. No change has been made on this subject.

In 2014, during a basement development inspection at my house in Edmonton, I was reprimanded no less, for installing two units side-by-side to cover all bases. I argued with the inspector and suggested he reads the fine prints for himself. Clearly he was not educated to know better.

My daughter is a red seal electrician. At no point during her education was there a mention of what would be best practice. They were only instructed to meet code.

In my opinion, the more emphasis put on the subject is the only way to reach more people and eventually get the code to save more lives.

– Chris Lemay-Dionne, Camrose
Climate change
September 24, 2024

There has been some discussion recently about a climate change petition being circulated around Camrose as part of the national Seniors for Climate campaign.

I initiated the petition and I feel that it has been a positive experience for our community. The open discussion has been good. There has been some negative feedback and that is not surprising. What has surprised me is the number of very knowledgeable residents who have been eager to sign on to a message of hope.

They understand that our changing climate presents challenges and they also understand the opportunity that we have to build a healthy, prosperous world for our children.

Surely, a healthy and prosperous future is something we all want, and it is clear from economists and scientists that the best thing we can do is to accelerate the transition to clean energy and the worst thing we can do is to continue to delay.

The transition to clean energy is good for jobs, for our economy and for our health. The longer we delay, the bigger our problems become. This transition must be government led. In most German states, all new buildings must come with solar panels installed. In France, all parking lots with more than 80 spaces must be covered with a rack of solar panels. In Quebec, all new furnaces cannot burn oil or natural gas—a policy that the International Energy Agency recommends for the entire world by 2025.

Much of the world is moving ahead and Alberta is falling behind. I urge everyone to contact municipal, provincial and federal politicians and let them know that you will vote for the individual and party that has the best plan to speed up the transition to clean energy. Do it for our children.

Rob Hill,
Looking back
September 17, 2024

I was pleasantly surprised to see my name mentioned in the Looking Back Through the Pages of The Booster under the 25 years ago news.

I remember Dan Jensen coming to take the pictures. This past Monday, I baked eight loaves of whole wheat bread and a pan of cinnamon buns. Also, I made some cranberry jelly. Today, we ground flour.

My how time flies when you are busy on the farm.

Rosemary Snider,
New Norway
Walking track
September 17, 2024

I was thinking, on a recent trip to Bonnyville and visiting their fine leisure centre, why Camrose does not provide free walking track access as they do?
It was being enjoyed by families and individuals of all ages. Although some might argue that $14 a month or a tad cheaper with an extended pass is no hardship, I totally disagree.

Can’t Camrose advocate for space that provides free healthy exercise? Not everyone has an extra dollar at the end of the day. By providing the track free, it makes it inclusive for all. Also, to go once in the evening, you are supposed to go ahead of time and purchase access for the day. This process is very inconvenient and unnecessary. When you enter the bottom floor, you are greeted with an unfriendly sign saying that passes may be checked. Even partial free access, say 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., would be a step in the right direction.

I spoke to our mayor and was told that there were some councillors that voted against free access at the last budget meeting.

Who would vote this way? Our sidewalks are in terrible shape, so give us free access to a safe area to walk and join other communities in Alberta that make this important. Call City Hall when it’s budget time this November.

Denal Bibo,
Pool cleaning
September 17, 2024

These days, summer’s heat increasingly lingers on into the autumn months.  This is a good thing for those in the agricultural community with tomatoes and other crops, nicely ripening before their harvest.

Yet, our bodies long for every cooling opportunity when the temperatures reach into the 30s.
At times like these, we wonder: why does the pool close for cleaning during such intense warm weather?

Is there a reason that end-August to late-September is chosen for the month-long cleaning shutdown?

Could a January pool maintenance hiatus, when the temperatures are brutally cold and the streets and walkways are icy, be considered?

Is there a possibility that the Camrose Aquatic (Mayer) Centre could transfer the pool cleaning from September’s stifling heat to better align with the frigid temperatures of January?

This would be a “refreshing” development.

Bobbi and Jacques Vaillancourt,
Bus routes
September 17, 2024

I have talked to many people regarding the new Community Bus routes. Many are disgusted with it. People are not able to walk safely across the Canadian Tire parking lot to go to the Smith Clinic and Shoppers Drug Mart.

The same is true when dropped off at Peavey Mart when we have to go to Dyna Lab (old name) for blood work. Many of the outlying stops are seldom used. Most of us would be glad to pay $2 and have the former route back.

Wasn’t the bus started for those with less abilities to walk long distances and arrive at the door entrances for health care needs, as well as shopping?

The new route is very good for more able persons. I hope for more feedback on the matter. It is too bad City administration and councillors are not concerned for us less able people’s consideration.

Delphine Murray,
Climate change
August 27, 2024

Re: Climate change.  Tony Hladun’s closing remark “Don’t count on governments to be responsible so show restraint and prepare for upcoming difficulties,” is very insightful. Sort of like one of the three biggest lies in the world “I’m from the government…here to help you.”

Political and religious leaders totally ignored the computerized projections (populated with the best available statistics from the World Health Organization, the Food and Agricultural Organization plus national databases) published by the scientists at MIT led by Dennis Meadows some 50 plus years ago. They predicted a massive global population decline in the latter part of the 21st century which will most probably lead to or be the result of…droughts, famines, wars, pandemics, shortages of water and essential non-renewable resources, etc. Does anyone see a pattern developing lately? Their predictions of climate change in the early 1970s and its impacts have been incredibly accurate.

Unfortunately, politicos disregarded their predictions and, as a result, nations are probably about 20 years PAST the tipping point of being able to reverse the combined impacts overpopulation, unchecked pollution, depletion of non-renewable natural resources, climate change, impending fresh water shortages and the like.

Boondoggle measures such as the carbon tax, carbon capture, fully electric vehicles and other non-scientific solutions are put forth as assurances to the public that climate change is “being dealt with.” At best, these measures will only slow the pace of climate degradation. In actual fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Starting some 50 years ago, many common sense science-based and engineering and relatively low cost (when compared to recent billion dollar plus insurance claims) alternative holistic solutions should have been considered; for example, stationary thermal generation plants should have had Venturi scrubbers to remove 98 per cent of noxious emissions (e.g. 20,000 ppm of CO2 in stack gases reduced to about 400 ppm), since transportation accounts for about 85 per cent of climate change emissions, rail lines should have been doubled to take thousands of long haul truckers off the highways, branch railway lines should not have been abandoned, engine sizes could have been limited to approximately two litres (a two litre engine produces about half the pollutant load of a four litre engine), adopt alternate energy sources based upon European experience, etc.

To ensure our grandchildren enjoy a stable future…consider supporting any initiative that truly combats climate change and don’t be misled by boondoggles.

Lynn Clark,
Climate change
August 27, 2024

I read the article in the August 13th Booster titled “Local Residents Call for Climate Change Action” and I’d like to make a few comments. I’ve been involved in energy use and conservation since the 1970s and I find the current Climate Change process somewhat childish.

There is a desire for wonderful solutions without considering the associated costs and understanding of what really needs to happen.

The Persians invented the windmill in about 600 AD. Then for about 1,000 years, until the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, the earth used green wind and wood energy; no fossil fuels.  On the evolutionary scale humans were just as intelligent then as they are today so they could have invented many things.

Yet at the end of 1,000 years, the earth could only support a population of about 600 million people (seven per cent of today’s population) mostly struggling to survive. The economy was agricultural with most of the labour energy supplied by serfdom and slavery. Not a glowing achievement for the green economy.

Let’s look at the recent track record. For about 50 years, we’ve held conferences and talked about climate change, but today we use more oil than we ever have. CO2 levels continue to rise so this talking process has been a failure but it does give a platform for watermelons.

Watermelons are people who are green on the outside, but red (socialist and controlling) on the inside. Electric vehicles are not turning out to be the wonderful solution for many reasons. The cost of EVs is showing the price that change requires and the average consumer is not willing to pay those prices.  Worst of all, people like me, are holding on to their gas guzzlers.

Alberta now has wind and solar capacity of about 65 per cent of our daily electricity demand, but in reality wind and solar generation is way less and our grid is destabilized by the unreliability of these green sources. In 2022, wind and solar actually generated 14 per cent of demand. This all has to change in a hurry.

So the article should ask Canadians if they are willing to make huge sacrifices monetarily and in hardship that might all be in vain if the rest of the world doesn’t do the same.

Would you sign that petition? Don’t count on governments to be responsible, so show restraint and prepare for upcoming difficulties.
Tony Hladun,
Stop hunting
August 27, 2024

The province sees about 15 grizzly bears as problems. Bears could be shot annually under a new public management tactic and once killed, they become the property of the killer in what the government insists is not hunting.

Stop hunting grizzly bears. The policy should be reevaluated. Its scope is one sided, limitless and ambiguous. There are processes in place to deal with problem bears.

After careful consideration by qualified professionals, problem bears can be humanly euthanized.  Wildlife Management Responders (aka licensed hunters) are people who wish to hunt.  This policy leaves wide avenues open for conflict of interest.

Grizzly bears are an endangered animal in Alberta. We’ve spent years bringing the population up to around 1,000 bears in our huge province. Their habitat is shrinking. On the other hand, we have 160,000 registered resident hunters in Alberta.
Rethink this policy. It needs to be changed and better balanced. This is a case of the coyote looking after the hen house.  
Lynn Horsman,
Parliamentary petitions
August 20, 2024

Recently, I have been hearing questions and receiving feedback on Parliamentary Petitions.
Petitions are one tool which allows Canadians to engage in the democratic process. Anyone, regardless of their age or background can start a petition. And both individual MPs and the government have a responsibility to take petitions brought forward seriously, and every petition brought to the House of Commons requires a response from the government.

While there are guidelines and procedures to what constitutes a proper petition (called “being in order”), paper petitions can be tabled with as few as 25 signatures and online petitions can be tabled with as few as 500 signatures. There is no maximum, and in some cases, petitions have garnered hundreds-of-thousands of names. Once submitted, the Clerk of Petitions in the House of Commons verifies signatures and sends the petition to the MP who is to table it.

MPs may agree or disagree with the content of a petition but can table it regardless. This is one way that Canadians can make their voices heard. In fact, earlier this year, I sent information to every school in Battle River-Crowfoot on Parliamentary Petitions that included a small package with instructions on how to create paper petitions for students. It is important that even the younger generations of Canada know that, as Canadians, their voices matter in Parliament.

For more information on petitions, you can visit my website at, where I have compiled resources, tips and more. You can also always reach out to my office if you are interested in putting together a petition and we can provide you with resources to help.
Damien C. Kurek,
MP Battle River-Crowfoot
Love Camrose
August 20, 2024

Sometimes we don’t acknowledge the wonderful people serving your community. The people at the Aquatic Centre are first class. I met Malcolm Boyd, City manager, at the pool and expressed to him how impressed I am about the facility and the people.

Kudos to the good people of Camrose. I loved the experience in Camrose.
Harry Bekkering,
No community
August 6, 2024

Well it’s that time of year again as Camrose gets ready for BVJ and the opportunities it provides for charity groups to volunteer and help and in turn received some well needed funds.

Well that’s the way it used to be. Not now...a quote from a letter received, “I am reaching out to you and letting you know we will not be renewing.
Management has decided to streamline the jobs and will be hiring the company....”

Instead they offered us to purchase tickets for BVJ at a discounted rate.

Nice giving back...just sayin’.
George Shostak,
New Norway
Casino relocation
July 30, 2024

The relocation of the Camrose Resort Casino to Edmonton is once again on the table. Last year, the application from the operator to move the casino to a site in southeast Edmonton was denied by AGLC. AGLC cited a number of reasons for their decision to deny the relocation, but the determining factor was a perceived lack of community support for the move.

The operator of the casino has now addressed the primary issues identified by AGLC and the new application is moving forward with much greater support from AGLC.

It is up to us to represent the best interests of the rural charitable organizations that hold their casinos in Camrose by writing letters of support to AGLC.

We are in favour of the relocation because casino proceeds will increase substantially, likely 50 per cent or more, for the groups with licences in Camrose. Right now, our charitable organizations can expect to earn about $20,000 every four years from working at a two-day casino event.

The average that Edmonton charities earn is almost $80,000 every two years. While the relocation will not in itself shorten the time between casinos, at least we can expect to earn two to four times the funds that we get today.

We have heard concern about a loss of jobs in Camrose if the Casino moves. The hotel management assure us that there is a plan to open a different type of entertainment venue in the casino space that will continue to provide jobs here in Camrose.

We hope you will consider joining us in writing a letter of support to AGLC and encourage your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours to also send their support letters to AGLC. Your letter need not be long and detailed.  Simply state that you are in favour of the relocation of the Camrose Casino to Edmonton. Write to: AGLC Senior Manager, Inspections Gaming email:
Lou and Morris
Good library
July 30, 2024

The kudos to our wonderful Camrose Public Library with its extensive collections of material, a myriad of supportive resources, ukulele jams, technical support, DVDs, magazines, language sessions, not to mention the friendly and helpful staff.
Not only is the library a helpful stimulus to our brains, it is of benefit to our pocketbooks as well.

A recent printout with a borrowed book read; “You just saved $20.96 by using your library. You have saved $452.36 this past year and $1,945.49 since you began using the library.”

Lynn Clark,
Keep clean
July 23, 2024

The City of Camrose has a wonderful little jewel in the centre of the City. Mirror Lake Park is the envy of many other communities who would love to be blessed with such a beautiful, scenic area in the heart of their downtown.

So, I wish more City residents would take some pride in their park and stop littering. One evening, several days ago, I was on a walk, enjoying an ice cream cone, and there, sunning themselves on the shore, was a small family of ducks–a momma and several little ones.

And what do I see floating in the water right near them? Pieces of plastic and a lid from someone’s Tim Hortons cup. Farther along, I see more litter along the trail. Fast food wrappers, napkins, empty beer cans, more empty drink cups.

Imagine if you’re at the swimming pool and I walk by and throw my coffee cup in the pool when I finish drinking from it. Or if someone is eating a snack and throws their garbage in the pool after they’re done. Sounds gross, right? You wouldn’t want to be swimming in a pool full of garbage, would you?

So, then, why do you expect the ducks to swim in your garbage? Why should the birds and other animals in the park tolerate garbage all over the park? You do a lot of work to keep your lawn nice and neat. What if I bring my garbage over and dump it on your grass because well, I’m too busy to take it to the garbage bin so I’ll just throw it here?

I am appealing to people to take those few extra steps, those few extra seconds, to throw your garbage in the containers the City has nicely provided for that purpose. If you’re on a walk, hang onto your garbage until you are somewhere where you can dispose of it. Carry a little bag with you to use for garbage.
Mirror Lake is a beautiful place and when I go there, I want to enjoy the scenery, not look at discarded coffee cups and hamburger wrappers floating in the water.

Tim J. Swaren,
Bus routes
July 23, 2024

I just want to say the new Camrose Community Bus route change on July 2 was a bad idea.

It was working very well for seniors, people with mobility problems and those not able to drive their car anymore. Most of the stops were very convenient like the Smith Clinic, the DynaLife lab and especially the Mirror Lake Centre.

Regardless of the weather, we got off close to the doors of these places and we can get right inside. Also at Walmart and Superstore, the stops were close to the doors. Now the bus stops a long place from the doors at the grocery stores.

DynaLife is way across the front of Peavey Mart and around the corner by the garden centre. The Grand Trunk Landing stop is one  block from Mirror Lake Centre. Now the bus is managed out of the Centre and the drivers often change places there, so why is this not still a regular stop?

As for the Smith Clinic, some riders may find it a long walk from the theatre entrance, through the mall and all the way from the back of the clinic up to the front to check in. On the other hand, the theatre entrance may be better for people going to the farmers’ market on Thursdays and Saturdays.

I feel whoever dreamed up this new route is not a senior, does not have mobility issues and will not be using the bus route themselves. Can’t you just see us with walkers and a basket load of groceries standing out in the rain, cold, wind and snow, waiting for the bus to take us back home. And who will be responsible for clearing the snow from the grocery store on a long walk across the store front and around the corner to the bus stop? I understand the bus drivers were not even notified of these changes, so had no input into it.

I’m just saying (as a senior with a walker) the community bus route was much better the “old” way.

  Ruth Beattie,
Good Neighbour
July 16, 2024

As members of the Welcome Camrose committee who recently organized this year’s Good Neighbour Campaign, we would like to congratulate the Chrapko family for earning the 2024 Good Neighbour Award.

Thank you to all those who took the time to recognize their neighbours by submitting a nomination to the Good Neighbour Campaign. Without you, this campaign would not have been so successful.

Additionally, thank you to all the good neighbours who were nominated! You make Camrose such a warm, welcoming, and safe place to be. Some examples of good neighbouring included shovelling sidewalks in the winter, helping with yard work in the summer, offering rides to appointments or activities, checking on residences during vacations, sharing meals and treats, organizing neighbourhood activities, sharing and teaching skills, offering a kind and caring presence, and simply encouraging people on their street to connect through conversation or activities.

Lastly, we would like to thank The Camrose Booster for supporting the Good Neighbour Campaign again this year. Thank you for the fantastic article that ran in the May 7th edition of The Booster showcasing many more ways to be a good neighbour to those around you.

A photo of the Chrapko family accepting the 2024 Good Neighbour Award was featured in the June 25th edition of The Camrose Booster. Welcome Camrose is looking forward to next year’s Good Neighbour Campaign and to hear more stories of all the wonderful things Camrosians are doing to be great neighbours.

Welcome Camrose
Interesting times
July 9, 2024

“We are living in interesting times,” the Chinese curse suggests to us. That has never been as true as in our current situation. We have multiple wars, which history may tell us was the beginning of the Second World War. We have the climate crisis, which seems to be ignored by most people. We may have a potential food and energy crisis, and we certainly have a political crisis with good leaders seemingly totally absent in most of the world.

It is hard to believe that in the 21st century, with the technological advances we have made as a species, that state violence is still being used to try to change borders or regimes. We only have to look at Russia, Hamas and Israel where leaders of those bodies believe they can impose their values by force. I thought the wars of the twentieth century put “paid” to those ideas.

The crazy thing is, the leaders in the west seem to think on similar lines. The USA, our world’s leader and most influential power in history, has seemingly, gone insane. Its elected leader and his party prevented from governing by a Republican Party, which wants to do away with democracy, led by a convicted felon who appears to be stupid, but sly, and possibly demented. The other party is just about as bad as it lacks the courage to meet the danger head on because it too is controlled by the wealthy greedy elite.

A couple examples to support my point. The Republican party claims to be the party of “Law and Order,” but it’s okay to attempt to overturn the election by force and attack the legal system by appointing corrupt judges and election officials and by attacking the constitution they try to uphold, etc. The democrats are almost as bad, by not facing the danger of a Russian victory in Ukraine by tying the hands of the Ukrainian army by limiting their ability to attack Russia, and by, apparently putting no limits on Israel’s use of heavy weapons supplied by the USA, and, seemingly, to the over reaction to Hamas’ attack on innocent civilians in Gaza.

The other example is the reluctance of the authorities to deal with “right wing violence” in the same manner as they seem to treat university students who they deem left wing in anti-Israeli demonstrations. In my day it was accepted that universities were places to protest the hypocrisy of the ruling elites.

Harry Gaede,
Prayer in council
July 9, 2024

Regarding the recent editorial and item about prayer in council meetings in Alberta, my interest was tweaked as this subject relates to the separation of Church and State.

The perspective I have acquired on this matter is one that considers the value of democracy in government to be paramount. It was the totalitarian regime of the Church in the dark and middle ages that was opposed by Martin Luther beginning with his Ninety-five Theses that he nailed to the door of the church at Wittenburg on October 31, 1517, and continuing with his translations of the Scriptures in 1521 with the objective of enabling the common people to read and study for themselves the Bible that had only been read to be interpreted by the Church hierarchy in incomprehensible Latin.

It was the principles found in Scriptures that made the insights given to common people so important in their contribution to the formation of the Church, the Body of Christ. The engagement and exercise of parliamentary procedure via Robert’s Rule of Order in the business meetings of the church membership is meant to facilitate and safeguard the participation of every member in discussion and voting.

When the electorate chooses leaders that exemplify godliness and integrity–the acknowledgement of moral principles not conjured by self-deceiving human minds, how is democracy maintained by denying those leaders the means to jointly humble themselves before God, if they so choose, and ask for his wisdom and integrity in the policy decisions they must make?

There are many at the present time who not only deny the existence of God, they also believe the world would be a better place if everyone were to deny the existence of God. Their efforts to make the world a better place would strip democracy of all reference to God. What that entails is a reverse image–a photographic negative in which white is black and black is white–of true democracy, and a totalitarian ban on godliness in government. This has given us denial of the sanctity of life, of marriage, of exercising faith and conscience in public service, and freedom of expression for those who do not comply.

When the relationship between Church and State is not found through the democratic process, but by the means for which separation was first deemed necessary, that is a negative image of democracy.

Don Berg,
Riding won
July 9, 2024

I was so excited to see the Liberals lose on June 24 by-election in the riding of Toronto- St. Paul’s.

The day before this by-election, deputy prime minister Freeman stated that the voters who vote for the Conservatives are cold, cruel and small. Today after their unexpected loss, the Liberals are now saying that they want to listen to all Canadians.

No matter who they voted for. Why should we believe them now? It is time for this party to be shown the door and for someone else to take over the leadership of this country.

Freeman also stated that the leader of the opposition was wearing more make up than she was.   What sort of sicko would say such weird style of inappropriate speeches.  How long will this out of touch government be allowed to stay in power?
Lorne Vanderwoude,
Emergency hospital
June 25, 2024

My health had hit absolute rock bottom when I admitted myself at 7:30 a.m. June 7 (I somehow held out a day to observe June 6 D-Day coverage). From that moment to my discharge late that evening, I was in awe of the care and compassion I received. The emergency staff, no, the emergency team, were always a step ahead of my needs. Who knew?

After agonizing weeks of little or no food, sleep, energy, bodily movements, constant pain, anxiety, etc., between testing I discovered peaceful rest (I even heard my stomach growl). In my career, I was accustomed to professionalism, teamwork, pride, organization, confidence, care, compassion, attitude, creativity, skill–but not all at once. Until now. Who knew?

We may not appreciate how much effort and time goes into inputting all our testing results, medical applications and opinions, recovery vitals, into our electronic history–all necessary for future reference by our family doctor for prognosis before focusing on treatment. Our doctor face to face is just a fraction of the demands on their time and resources. No wonder our doctors begin their day at a horse race pace.

A higher spirit would be able to offer proper wording of thanks. I do not possess that wisdom. I can say, had this been my last day on this planet, I would not have wanted to spend it anywhere else.

Neil Leeson,
Jubilee Park
June 18, 2024

Last week I had a chance to take a walk through Jubilee Park and was shocked and disappointed with the condition it was in.
Dandelions have completely taken over part of the park, and untrimmed grass around hedges and trees made this former gem of a park look very run down.

In comparison, as I drove past Camrose Composite High School, the front lawn looked immaculate. I didn’t see the south lawn of the school, but I’m assuming it looks as good as the north side.
A video I watched online advertising Camrose certainly did not show that weeds have taken over the park. A visitor would be in for a shock if they used that video as a guide.

Why has the City allowed Jubilee Park to deteriorate to such a sorry state?

I’m wondering if council members and City administrators allow their own properties to look this bad. If they do, I’m sure their neighbours are not impressed.

Brian McLeod,
Wentland retires
June 4, 2024

The Reverend Pastor Craig Wentland this June intends to complete his latest, and last, multi-cycle four-year contract as Chaplain of the University of Alberta Augustana Campus (Camrose).

Craig is a Christian whom I experience as being deeply rooted in his Lutheran spiritual heritage and who constantly strives to honour God, in all endeavours and in all peoples.

His unpretentious pastoral ministry and keen intellect, always had room for others of different faiths …and for those whose core human values had a totally secular foundation.

Augustana’s liturgical leadership of its magnificent Easter Vigil service had once been a near exclusive Lutheran monopoly. Craig courageously and without any fanfare shattered that tempered glass ceiling. (And, I have it on good authority that he even let Anglicans in!)

Craig serves tasty handcrafted pizza from his outdoor wood-fired oven. He crafted ice cream of outlandish flavours. It is a significant loss that my palate will never sample a possible asparagus vanilla Craig Gelato with a drizzle of Tabasco.

Craig taught me a great deal without speaking much.  He authentically models integrity, compassion and a gentle fortitude which sustains truth and invites inclusivity.

Craig, thank you. See you at OleO’s…my treat.
Jacques deG. Vaillancourt,
Welcome Camrose
June 4, 2024

On behalf of Welcome Camrose, we wanted to say a special thank you to both of you and The Booster for your excellent coverage of the Good Neighbour Campaign.

We appreciate your flexibility, the article, the front page and working with our group to let the community know about this initiative.

 Lyndel Kasa,
Camrose FCSS 
Hard times
June 4, 2024

These last few years have been getting harder and harder to pay the bills. I now average working 70 hours a week just to keep above the water.

I recently read a letter in the Edmonton Sun that Prime Minister Trudeau only has 16 months left along with the NDP support to ruin our economy.

For the past eight years, the cost of living has greatly increased.  Many people are going to food banks just to feed their families. My wife and I go to soup kitchens just to afford to eat. We always have to borrow just to pay the rent, consolidation loan, car payment, phone bills and utilities. I sure do hope that when the federal election is over, we will not have Trudeau as Prime Minister. This insanity has to end before this nation is destroyed for good.

Lorne Vanderwoude,
D-Day heroes
June 4, 2024

Death struck deeply into those who waded ashore on June 6, 1944, struggling to quickly move from their landing craft to the sand of Normandy beach.

Burdened by the heavy weight of their equipment and the sights and sounds around them, before them lay a terrifying array of obstacles waiting to trap, maim and destroy anyone who attempted to challenge the terrible might of the Nazi occupation of France.

Service men and women came from all across Canada. Local militia units like the South Alberta Regiment, South Alberta Light Horse and the Calgary Highlanders were mobilized for active war service. These part-time “Saturday Night” soldiers were busy in their armouries and drill halls, recruiting and training new members. Some would find themselves storming Juno Beach on June 6, while others arrived sometime later, joining the 3rd Canadian Division as they consolidated their foothold on the Normandy coast.

The liberation campaign slowly progressed mile by bloody mile across France until Paris was freed on August 25, 1944. In its wake were left countless dead and injured, destroyed towns and cities. Names of places became etched into the memories of the soldiers who fought in battles like Bourguébus Ridge, Carpiquet Airport, Caen, the Falaise “Gap,” Vaucelles, and Verrières Ridge. The campaign to liberate France from its occupiers would end up taking the lives of 5,021 Canadian soldiers.

The number of war veterans who fought in the liberation campaign has steadily declined as the years have passed. Fortunately, some of these remarkable old soldiers are still living. They are resilient people who followed a path of duty, endured hardship, faced danger and experienced things we could never imagine. Through the National Order of the Legion of Honour medal program, the Embassy of France in Canada continues to bestow their nation’s highest medal to our veterans who are proudly known as the liberators of France.

Guy Black,
recipient of the Minister of Veterans
Affairs Commendation